Stevin | Master Simon | Inclined plane

S. S T E V I N S   I.   B O V C K   V A N D E   B E G H I N S E L E N   D E R   W E E G H C O N S T.

T H E O R E M   X I:

Given a triangle, whose plane is at right angles to the horizon, with its base parallel thereto, while on each of the other sides there shall be a rolling sphere, of equal weight to one another:
triangle, 2 spheres, connected
as the right side of the triangle is to the left side, so is the apparent weight of the sphere on the left side to the apparent weight of the sphere on the right side. *)

Stevin's words.

[ *)  Translation from Principal Works, vol. I, p. 175.]

Master Simon | Inclined plane 1 | Next


Let ABC be a triangle, whose plane shall be at right angles to the horizon, and the base AC parallel to the horizon,

and on the side AB, which shall be double of the side BC, let there lie a sphere D,

and on the side BC a sphere E, of equal weight and equal size to the sphere D.
triangle, 2 spheres, connected

To prove:

We have to prove that as the side AB (2) is to BC (1), so is the apparent weight of the sphere E to the apparent weight of the sphere D.

Stevin's words.

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Let us make about the triangle ABC a wreath of fourteen spheres, of equal size and equal weight, and equidistant from one another,

as E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, D, all of them strung on a line passing through their centres, in such a way that they can revolve about those centres;

let there also fit two spheres on the side BC and four on BA, i.e. as line to line, so spheres to spheres.
triangle, wreath of 14 spheres
Let there also be three fixed points at S, T, V, over which the line or the string of the spheres can slide, in such a way that the two parts of the string above the triangle shall be parallel to the sides AB, BC,

so that if the wreath is pulled down on one side or the other, the spheres roll on the lines AB, BC.

Stevin's words.

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triangle, wreath of 14 spheres


If the apparent weight of the four spheres D, R, Q, P were not equal to the apparent weight of the two spheres E, F, either one or the other will be the heavier.
Let us suppose (if this were possible) this to be the one of the four spheres D, R, Q, P.

But the four spheres O, N, M, L are of equal weight to the four spheres G, H, I, K.
The side therefore of the eight spheres D, R, Q, P, O, N, M, L is heavier in appearance than the side of the six spheres E, F, G, H, I, K.

But because that which is heavier always preponderates over that which is lighter, the eight spheres will roll downwards and the other six will rise.

Stevin's words.

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triangle, wreath of 14 spheres
Let this be so, and let D have fallen where O is now, then E, F, G, H will be where P, Q, R, D are now, and I, K where E, F are now.

But this being so, the wreath of spheres wil! have the same appearance as before,

and on this account the eight spheres on the left side will again have greater apparent weight than the six spheres on the right side,

in consequence of which the eight spheres will again roll down and the other six will rise.

This descent on the one and ascent on the other side will continue for ever, because the cause is always the same, and the spheres will ˆutomatically perform a perpetual motion, which is absurd.

Stevin's words.

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triangle, wreath of 14 spheres
The part of the wreath D, R, Q, P, O, N, M, L therefore is of equal apparent weight to the part E, F, G, H, I, K.

But if from such equal weights there are subtracted equal weights, the remainders will have equal weight.

Let us therefore subtract from the former part the four spheres O, N, M, L, and from the latter part the four spheres G, H, I, K (which are ‘qual to the aforesaid O, N, M, L); then the remainders D, R, Q, P and E, F will be of equal apparent weight.

But the two latter being of equal apparent weight to the four former, E will have twice the apparent weight of D.

As therefore the line BA (2) is to the line BC (1), so is the apparent weight of the sphere E to the apparent weight of the sphere D.

Given therefore a triangle, whose plane, etc.

Stevin's words.

[ W: Simon Stevin, law of equilibrium on an inclined plane.]

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Corollary 1.
Let ABC be a triangle, as before, whose side AB shall be double of BC, and on AB let there lie a sphere D and on the side BC a sphere E being of equal weight to half of D.

And in F let there be a fixed point, over which the line DFE (to wit, from the centre of the sphere D via F to the centre of the sphere E) can slide, in such a way that DF shall remain parallel to AB, and FE to BC.

triangle, 2 unequal spheres
This being so, since the four spheres P, Q, R, D in the preceding case were of equal apparent weight to the two spheres E, F, this sphere D will be of equal apparent weight to the sphere E; for as the former P, Q, R, D are to E, F, so is the latter D to E.

Therefore, as the line AB is to BC, so is the sphere D to the sphere E.

Corollary 2.
Now let us put one side of the triangle, as BC (AB being double of it) at right angles to AC, as in the annexed figure.

triangle, BC vertical, 2 unequal spheres
Then the sphere D, which is double of E, will still be of equal apparent weight to E, for as AB is to BC, so is the sphere D to the sphere E.

Stevin's words.

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Corollary 3.
Let us now put in the place of the point F a pulley*), as shown in the annexed figure, in such a way that the oblique lifting line from D to F shall remain parallel to AB.

triangle, BC vertical, sphere on AB, pulley, weight
And in the place of the sphere E let there be some arbitrary weight, but which is of equal weight to the sphere E. This weight will still be of equal apparent weight to D.

Therefore, as AB is to BC, so is the sphere D to the weight E.

Corollary 4.
Since the sphere of the 3rd corollary touches the line AB in the point G as fixed point, the axis GH will be at right angles to AB.

Therefore let us take away the sphere, and put in its place the prism D, of equal weight to the sphere, in such a way. that the axis GH (its fixed point being G) shall be at right angles to AB, and the oblique lifting line between D, F still parallel to AB and meeting the side of the prism in I, as shown in the annexed figure.

triangle, BC vertical, prism on AB, pulley, weight
Then it is manifest that as AB is to BC (i.e. double of it, as above), so is the prism D to the weight E.

Stevin's words.

[ *)  How to make a pulley: Weeghdaet, p. 17PW, I, p. 321.]

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Corollary 5.   Let us draw the vertical from the centre of the prism D, as DK, meeting the side of the prism in L.
This being so, the triangle LDI is similar to the triangle ABC, for the angles ACB and LID are right angles, and LD is parallel to BC, and DI to AB.

the same, with vertical lifting weight
Therefore, as AB is to BC, so is LD to DI. But as AB is to BC, so is the prism to the weight E, by the 4th corollary; therefore, as LD is to Dl, so is the prism to E.

Let us now attach at the line KD the vertical lifting weight M of equal apparent weight to the prism. This weight M will be of equal weight to the prism, by the 14th proposition. Therefore, as LD is to Dl, so is M to E.

Corollary 6.   Let us draw BN, meeting AC produced in N; in the same way DO, meeting LI produced, that is the side of the prism, in O, and in such a way that the angle IDO shall be equal to the angle CBN.

Let us also attach at DO the oblique lifting weight P, which shall keep the prism (the weights M and E being taken away) in that position.

the same, with oblique lifting weight
[...] as DL is to DO, so is the apparent weight of DL to the apparent weight of DO, that is M to P. Therefore this proportion is true not only in the examples where the lifting line Dl is at right angles to the axis, but also with any angle.

Stevin's words.

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The above may also be understood of a sphere lying on a line AB, as shown in the annexed figure, in which case we say, as before, as LD is to DO, so is M to P (to wit: if CL is drawn at right angles to AB, i.e. parallel to the axis GH of the sphere D).

sphere on AB, vertical lifting weight, pulley
But the weight M is equal to the sphere D, therefore we say: as LD is to DO, so is the weight of the sphere to P.

But because LD and DO cannot easily be drawn in practice inside the body of the sphere, let us draw the vertical CE; we shall then have outside the said body a triangle CEO similar to the triangle LDO, the homologous sides of which triangles are LD to CE, and DO to EO.

Therefore, as LD is to DO, so is CE to EO;
and consequently: as CE is to EO, so is the weight of the sphere to P.

Now for the sake of greater clearness let us put this separately, without the other lines, as shown in the annexed figure,

the same, simplified
where we say: as CE is to EO, so is the weight of the sphere D to P.

Stevin's words.

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And this is true not only of spheres, but also of other solids sliding or rolling on points or lines, as shown below (a subject with which we will deal more properly in the Practice of Weighing), where we still say: as CE is to EO, so is the weight of the solid D to the weight P.

ship on slope, wagon on slope, pulley

From the above it also appears that, the line AB being parallel to the horizon, as in the annexed figure, CE and CO will fall on the same line, so that there will be no distance between E and O;
consequently CE will not have any ratio to EO,
sphere on horizontal plane, O = E, pulley, smallest weight
by which it is to be understood that a gravity taking the place of P, however small it may be, cannot be of equal apparent weight to the solid D, but will pull it along (mathematically speaking), however heavy it may be.

From this it follows that all gravities pulled along parallel to the horizon, such as ships in the water, wagons along the level land, etc., to be moved do not require the force of a fly beyond that which is caused by the surrounding obstacles, viz. water, air, contact of the axles with the bearings, contact of the wheels with the road, and the like.

Stevin's words.

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